The story of a boy sleeping on the sidewalk
Hey hey wake up
Why are you sleeping on the sidewalk?
It's fatigue and stress, oh this one, and you
don't find anyone who cares for you or gives you anything
I'm so tired
My dear, get up and get back to work and
continue your journey, there is a generous Lord
never give up
Come on, get back up and get up!
I will do
What items do you have that you sell?
It is Kleenex tissues and also toothpicks that
are used in our country by those who chew khat a lot
Where are these sticks made?
It's Chinese of course
This is good, you have to move, the livelihood
is in the hands of the sustenance
He is God and do not despair
Thank you for giving me hope and searching for
sustenance. Thank you
You do not have this duty to order you
Thank you again, I will. I will not
forget your advice because God is there